Anabolic Steroids

Dbol Steroid For Sale

Dbol steroid is an amazing performance enhancer which can help users build an amazing physical appearance, making you gain huge amount of muscle mass and pack on a good size. Dbol stands shortly for Dianabol – the brand name for the active substance Methandienone (also known as Methandrostenolone). There are various other brand names for Dianabol such as Dianabolos by Pharmacom Labs, but Dianabol is the first and most famous brand which was manufactured for the first time many years ago by a company called CIPA.

Bodybuilders are using Dianabol – Dianabolos with great success for physique and performance enhancement purposes, but they usually call it Dbol. Pharmacom Labs is offering Dianabol (Dbol) as brand Dianabolos which is same Dbol.

In the end, Dbol steroid is great for medical purposes such as increasing weight in various conditions, or helping with recovery after injury, infection, burns etc. but is also the most famous steroid for bodybuilding purposes. The problem is that a lot of people are searching to use this compound for their non medical purposes (bodybuilding) but they cannot get it.

  • For example, Dbol steroid is banned in USA and in those countries where you can buy it, you require a prescription for it, or at least in most of them. That’s why, people can only get Dianabol if they have a valid prescription, in certain countries, and they can get the prescription if they have certain conditions – not as a physical and performance booster.
  • Another problem is that even if you find a source that is offering Dbol, there are chances that you would get a fake/ counterfeit product. Many sources give Dbol as actual steroids when they are actually offering natural supplements. They claim they work exactly as a steroid – but that’s just far from truth. Even if you do find a legit source with real and actual Dbol of high quality and purity that is offering actual dosage per each tablet of Dianabol, you may find that the price is high.

As a result of all these problems that many people often encounter when trying to purchase a good quality steroid that is going to help them build an amazingly looking physical appearance – many started to search for solutions trying to get Dbol steroid for sale.


Buy Dbol here.

And we have this solution as we’re offering Dbol steroid for sale, for everyone. Pharmacom Labs is a pharmaceutical company that’s working exclusively only strictest GMP (Good Manufacturing Practice) standards and guidelines – an international standard of quality that makes sure every little detail in the product you want to get is exactly as it should be.

Everything written on the label of that compound is exactly as it should. If you are said that each tablet of Dianabolos contains at least 10 mg of Methandienone then you can be sure that each tablet has no less than 10 mg of Methandienone of a purity no less than 98%.


Also, we try to make our customers happy by offering the lowest prices at That’s why Dbol steroid for sale – it’s always on sale. You could check other sources offering Dbol and check their price. Then you can compare them with the prices here. You would notice that you can save lots of money per bottle.

Taken in consideration that you’ve got to run Dianabolos for a while (4-8 weeks) and plus to that, most people run it more than once, you would overall save lots of money. Dbol steroid for sale that you can get from our website is amazing as you would grow immense amounts of muscles with huge strength increases, all in the time that you would save money.

Getting bigger and powerful without spending too much that’s amazing. We recommend everyone to firstly read about Dianabol side effects, Dianabol dosage, Dbol cycle and so on and so forth. There is a lot of information that would help you, here, on the website


Buy Dianabol here.

Dianabolos is same DianabolDbol but is Dbol steroid for sale which offers high quality active substance for the cheapest possible price.

Anything that you need is here when talking about anabolic steroids. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to write to our customer support.

Anabolic Steroids

Dbol Cycle

Anyone who has ever searched for anabolic steroids for physique and performance enhancement purposes heard about Dianabol or as most people shortly call it – Dbol.

The active substance in this compound is Methandienone or Methandorstenolone but nobody calls it by its chemical name. Everyone calls it by brand name and the most famous one is Dianabol because is the first brand.

Yet, Pharmacom Labs is offering Dianabol (Dbol) as brand Dianabolos which is same Methandienone substance of high quality, but sold for a lower price.


Buy Dbol here.

In the end, most people call it Dbol and this is the most famous steroid for growing lean muscle mass and becoming a bodybuilder. That’s why Dbol is the most famous compound among bodybuilders and the first steroid to have ever be widely used for non medical use (for physique and performance enhancement).

  • Dbol is an extremely effective steroid that can greatly help users grow immense amounts of lean muscle mass in very short periods of time, however, as any other steroids, it comes with side effects and they can be pretty bad in case the compound would get abused.

In fact, side effects may appear even if you do not abuse it, but in such cases, usually, side effects are bearable and not too bad.

In the end, how good the steroid is going to be for physique and performance enhancement and how bad is going to be in terms of side effects greatly depends on the Dbol cycle. If you would attempt abusive dosages of Dianabol – Dianabolos, you would surely get side effects, but if you don’t use enough Dianabol – Dianabolos – you may not get expected results.


  • That’s why you need to find the perfect Dianabolos Dianabol dosage. But except for Dianabolos Dianabol dosage, there are lots of other things that you should take in consideration during a Dianabolos – Dianabol cycle.

For example, you should not start a steroid cycle at all (regardless if Dbol cycle or any other) if you are not having at least months of training under your belt and a very good diet. Administering steroids without working out and dieting is worthless and may be even dangerous, unless you use them for medical purposes instead of physique and performance enhancement purposes.

Dianabol – Dianabolos cannot be an alternative to your working out and diet. It can only boost them.


Dbol cycle is done when you work out, when you learn about Dbol dosage and side effects and when you add other compounds properly. For example, you may add steroids at your own preference. Usually, bulking steroids that also help you grow muscles. But some people add cutting steroids that won’t allow too much water retention.

Here is an example of Dbol cycle with only oral steroids in case you do not want to inject yourself:

  • 1-6 week: 40 mg a day of Dbol, 50 mg a day of Winstrol, some Aromatase Inhibitor of your choice (for example Aromasin 10 mg a day), Cardarine 20 mg a day and N2Guard 7 caps a day.
  • Week 7: Unchanged N2Guard and Cardarine with reduced dosage of Aromatase Inhibitor for 20 mg a day of Dbol and 25 mg a day of Winstrol.
  • Week 8: Same dosage for everything as previous week except for Dbol10 mg a day.

Here is a very helpful Dbol cycle for professionals who want to grow huge amounts of muscles:


Buy Dianabol here.

  • Week 1-6 = 400 mg a week of Deca; 50 mg a day of Dianabol – Dianabolos. Add AI like Aromasin 25 mg a day.
  • Week 7-12 = 400 mg a week of Deca; 500 mg a week of Testosterone (of your choice). Reduced AI dosage like Aromasin 12.5 mg a day.
  • The entire cycle should contain N2Guard 7 caps a day (or increased dosage during first 6 weeks) and Ostarine 25 mg a day.


As much as you can notice, Dianabol – Dianabolos is not used in long cycle lengths because is C17 alpha alkylated and is liver toxic.

  • Beginners should go for only 4 weeks Dbol cycle, intermediate users stop 6 weeks. Only professionals attempt 8 weeks cycle length but that may not be healthy.

For starting a good DianabolosDianabol cycle you need to get a high quality compound. You get the highest quality Dbol products from this website for the lowest prices that you can find as brad Dianabolos (dbol) containing same high quality Methandrostenolone active substance.

Post Cycle Therapy

Why Do Bodybuilders Take Arimidex?

Arimidex is a very popular medication for women and that’s because this is a well known medication known for working on the “female” hormone – estrogen. The active substance is Anastrozole and this is an Aromatase Inhibitor (AI) which means that the product is inhibiting the process of aromatization.

The product binds to the aromatase enzymes and this way is preventing aromatization and as a result, estrogen levels drop. Women require Arimidex in order to treat hormonally positive breast cancer. There are various forms of breast cancer but there is the breast cancer that requires estrogen to form and grow. When Arimidex (Anastrozole) is given to women, estrogen levels drop so the breast cancer is treated.

Arimidex is the brand name of active ingredient Anastrozole. Pharmacom Labs is offering Anastrozole as brand Anastrazolos and you can be sure that is the same Arimidex – but cheaper in price.


Buy Arimidex here.

With all above being said, Arimidex – Anastrozole is a very famous medication among women. But…

Why do bodybuilders take Arimidex?

Well, due to same properties of the active substance – inhibiting estrogen levels. But why exactly do bodybuilders need to administer Arimidex – Anastrazolos and lower the “female hormone” estrogen?

  • Well, natural bodybuilders do not need Anastrozole – Anastrazolos, but anabolic steroid users who want to gain huge amounts of lean muscle mass and get on competitive stages with big boost in strength level require to lower estrogen because they usually administer aromatizable steroids that convert into estrogen.

There are aromatized (usually called wet) steroids and non aromatizable (usually called dry) steroids. If the bodybuilder uses dry anabolic steroids, he doesn’t require aromatase inhibitors like Arimidex – Anastrazolos because the steroids do not convert into estrogen, their administration won’t lead to too much estrogen levels in the body.

  • The problem is that such steroids are usually used only during cutting and hardening steroid cycles, when the individual needs to preserve muscles and dry out, lose body fat. But wet steroids are used for increasing lean muscle mass as much as possible and this would also lead to increase in weight, fat, water retention, overall size etc. Such steroids are extremely famous but the problem is that they are converted into estrogen through aromatization.


If a person uses aromatized steroids (wet) without an estrogenic protection (adding aromatase inhibitors such as Arimidex – Anastrazolos), there’s a very high chance that the user would get too high levels of estrogen soon and this would lead to negative side effects associated with this hormone such as:

  • Water retention which can be too much
  • Bloating of face and body
  • Mood swings and even depression
  • Insomnia
  • Reduced libido and sex drive
  • Hypertension (high blood pressure)
  • Heart related issues
  • Gynecomastia (also called man’s boobs or bitch tits)

So, with all of this being said we can say:

Bodybuilders using aromatizable anabolic steroids only need to take Anastrazolos – Arimidex (Anastrozole) and they need it because they need to control estrogen levels when there’s the risk of this hormone getting too high and offering side effects.

In short, bodybuilders take Arimidex for staying away from estrogen related side effects such as those mentioned earlier.

That’s why the compound ended up being so famous in the world of bodybuilders among males, despite it being a medication for treating breast cancer among females.

Yet, we need to warn you – bodybuilders take Arimidex – Anastrazolos to “control” estrogen and not to completely eliminate it. Despite often being seen as a “female hormone” is very important for a man too. After all, estrogen does help bodybuilders to build muscles.

By administering too much AnastrazolosArimidex (Anastrozole) you may inhibit too much estrogen. Without estrogen, you won’t only be unable to grow muscles, but there are other side effects too.

So, do not attempt to use Arimidex – Anastrazolos to “completely kill your estrogen”. That’s because Arimidex may do it, and you would regret.

Take the compound in proper doses.


Buy Anastrozole here.

Those bodybuilders that need to take Arimidex won’t be able to buy it without a prescription for their needs. However, you can get it directly from this website at as we understand how important is to have an estrogenic protection during the anabolic steroid cycle.

You get Arimidex for sale and save lots of money with the highest quality of the Anastrozole substance as brand name Anastrazolos.

Post Cycle Therapy

Aromasin Vs Arimidex

Aromasin Vs Arimidex is a very common topic among bodybuilders and females with hormonally positive breast cancer. That’s because both of these compounds are very similar in the way they are working and therefore, they are very often compared to each other.

Aromasin is the brand name for the active substance Exemestane while Arimidex is the brand name for the active substance Anastrozole. Nonetheless, Pharmacom Labs is offering Aromasin as brand Exos with same high quality active substance Exemestane and Arimidex as brand Anastrozolos with same active substance Anastrozole.

Brands Aromasin and Arimidex might be more popular than Exos and Anastrozolos brands, respectively, nonetheless, Pharmacom Labs is offering same quality medication but for a much lower price.


anastrozolos-anastrozole-arimidexBuy Aromasin here or buy Arimidex here.

The compounds seem to be very famous among male bodybuilders using steroids and among females with breast cancer, but it still seems like Anastrozolos – Arimidex (Anastrozole) is a more popular compound.


Although there is not a certain answer, we assume that’s because Arimidex – Anastrozolos also can be used as a first line therapy in postmenopausal women with advanced breast cancer for women while for bodybuilders, it would prevent any estrogen rebound by permanently disabling the aromatase enzyme, while Arimidex cannot do it.

A lot of bodybuilders consider that there is no need to completely kill the estrogen production with Exos – Aromasin, therefore they go for Anastrozolos – Arimidex. However, on the other hand, there are people who are afraid of estrogen rebound (when you stop administering the compound, too much estrogen would float and would “hit” you hard with estrogen) so Aromasin is still very famous.

Aromasin Vs Arimidex Similarities

Both Exos – Aromasin (Exemestane) and Anastrozolos – Arimidex (Anastrozole) are considered aromatase inhibitors (AIs) and they are working in very similar ways by binding to the estrogen receptors and preventing aromatization.

Both are used in situations when estrogen is the main issue. That’s why they are both used in hormonally positive breast cancer in females as well as for prevention and treatment of gynecomastia in men using steroids and estrogenic protection during the aromatizable anabolic steroid cycle.

Both are very effective in lowering and controlling estrogen levels and they are both working in very similar ways.


Both products are famous when males are using certain anabolic steroids like for example Dianabol (Methandienone), Anadrol (Oxymetholone), Nandrolones, Testosterones etc. That’s because, if the estrogen won’t be controlled, the individual is going to get estrogenic side effects like gynecomastia (man’s boobs), heart issues, blood pressure issues, water retention and various others.

So, both Aromasin and Arimidex are helpful for such needs.

Aromasin Vs Arimidex Differences

As it was mentioned above, the biggest difference between ExosAromasin and Anastrozolos – Arimidex is the fact that Aromasin is permanently disabling the aromatase enzyme but Arimidex only during the time is administered.

  • Aromasin (Exemestane) is a suicidal aromatase inhibitor meaning that it would permanently disable the aromatase enzyme as soon as it binds to it. By using Arimidex (Anastrozole) you are temporarily stopping estrogen from aromatizing, but when stopping, there are chances of “estrogen rebound”. That’s why there are some users who get gyno after the cycle.

Other than that, Arimidex (Anastrozole) is a much powerful estrogen eliminating compound than Aromasin (Exemestane) with an inhibition of aromatase of more than 95% compared to 85% of that from Aromasin.

Due to this, the dosages are very different. In the time that Exemestane has a half life of 25 hours and can be taken every other day or on a daily basis, Anastrozole half life is 46 hours so it tends up build up in the system when used on a daily basis.


  • Aromasin – Exos dosage protocol for estrogenic protection depends on the steroid cycle, but generally is between 12.5 mg every other day up to 25 mg on a daily basis.



  • Arimidex – Anastrozolos dosage protocol for estrogenic protection also depends on the steroid cycle, but generally, dosage is much lower anywhere between 0.5 mg every other day up to 1 mg on a daily basis.

Aromasin Vs Arimidex: Which is Better for Me?

Unfortunately, we cannot answer this question because it highly depends on various factors. That’s why, someone may find Aromasin being better than Arimidex, while others would swear that Arimidex is better for them.

We cannot say which one is better personally for you as you need to try both and see which is better personally for you.

We are offering both of these products on our website You can get the highest quality Aromasin and Arimidex for the lowest price as brand name Exos and Anastrozolos, respectively. We have the best deals allowing you to save money while getting these compounds and in the same time, we ensure that you get the best quality Anastrozole and Exemestane products.

Post Cycle Therapy

Nolvadex Side Effects

Nolvadex that is called by many people shortly Nolva, is a famous medication both in medical settings as well as in bodybuilding world. That’s because this is a very (and perhaps the most) famous PCT medicine that is used by male steroid users who need to restore back their natural hormonal balance.

Nolvadex is the most famous brand name, but Pharmacom Labs is offering it as the brand name Farestos. Yet, as long as the active substance is Tamoxifen Citrate – you get the same product regardless of the product’s trading name. Buying Farestos saves you money whilst ensuring same high quality product.

Tamoxifen Citrate is a Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulator (SERM) and is used in medical settings for treating and preventing hormonally positive breast cancer in women, but it also can be used by men to prevent or treat gynecomastia. In addition to that, Tamoxifen Citrate found in Nolvadex or Farestos has been found to be very effective in doubling the chances of getting pregnant for a woman and it has other uses.


Buy Nolvadex here.

Nolvadex – Farestos is similarly working as Clomos by Pharmacom LabsClomid (Clomiphene Citrate) since they are both in the same category of drugs. Nonetheless, Clomid is considered a much powerful drug compared to Fareston – Nolvadex for PCT (Post Cycle Therapy) needs and that’s why, many people do not need more than Nolvadex. Many people say that Clomid – Clomos is too harsh for them in terms of side effects, that’s why Nolvadex – Farestos is the perfect choice for such people.

Nolvadex in Bodybuilding

The compound is used by people as an anti gynecomastia treatment by many people using aromatizable steroids.

Nonetheless, Nolvadex – Farestos isn’t the best choice for such purposes because it doesn’t control the overall estrogen levels. So, during the aromatizable steroid cycle Nolvadex (Tamoxifen) will prevent gynecomastia, but won’t protect you from other estrogen related side effects. nolvadex-bodybuilder

That’s why Aromatase Inhibitors (AIs) are much better during the steroid cycle, but SERMs like Nolvadex (Tamoxifen) and Clomid (Clomiphene) are much better as PCT medications.

Tamoxifen is increasing LH and therefore total testosterone levels. It would recover back the natural testosterone production and would help to balance out the natural hormonal balance. This way, Nolvadex – Farestos is great at preventing gains loss, protects your organs, keep you away from low testosterone condition and lots of nasty side effects – that’s why PCT is required.

Nolvadex is a good option, better than Clomid according to some people, because is offering less side effects than Clomid. Yet, it still has some.

Nolvadex Side Effects

Those that need a more powerful compound go for Clomid – Clomos, but there are many people that swear by Nolvadex (Farestos), preferring it for their Post Cycle Therapy (PCT) protocols.

Side effects of Nolvadex are almost not seen at all, that’s because the compound is very well tolerated by most people. In order to get side effects, users would require to over dose on it with high dosages.


So, unless you would overdose, the negative side effects for a male during the PCT plan are having very low chances to appear.

High dosages may lead to liver toxicity, weight gains, hot flashes and other side effects.

Women may receive lots of other side effects from Nolvadex when they use it for their needs because the tolerance of a woman to Tamoxifen is much lower but a woman requires it for longer periods and in much higher dosages.

  • The only thing to mention here is: when Nolvadex is used during the anabolic steroid cycle, make sure not to add it progestin increasing steroids such as Nandrolone or Trenbolone.

That’s because Nolvadex is up regulating progestin receptors too and this may lead to too much progestin increase and therefore – progestin based side effects.

Nolvadex Conclusion

Is very important to remember that Farestos – Nolvadex side effects are nothing compared to the possible side effects that may occur from using anabolic steroids and stopping their use without a PCT plan. Is much worth having a PCT plan (most commonly with Nolvadex and/ or Clomid) which would save your gains and keep you healthy.

farestos-pharmacom-tamoxifenYou can buy Nolvadex for sale directly from this website at as brand Farestos. You get the best Tamoxifen Citrate product for the lowest price.

Buy Tamoxifen here.