Anabolic Steroids

Pharmacom Anavar

Oxandrolone which is the main active substance in Anavar is an orally active anabolic steroid that is C17 alpha alkylated and is a modification of dihydrotestosterone resulting in high anabolic rating with low androgenic one and no conversion into estrogen. Pharmacom Anavar is the exact same Anavar but is sold as brand name Oxandrolonos.


Pharmacom Labs is offering Oxandrolonos containing the same active substance Oxandrolone (which is easy to understand by their names) and therefore, Oxandrolonos and Anavar are both the exact same products, the only difference between them is the brand name. Nonetheless, Pharmacom Labs is offer Oxandrolone for a cheaper price than actual Anavar, that’s why you get no difference in results and efficiency when purchasing Oxandrolonos, but you will save money.

Buy Pharmacom Anavar Here

Pharmacom Anavar – Oxandrolonos specifically is very popular because it was proven a numerous of times for offering high quality product. There are people online sharing information how amazingly well Pharmacom Anavar is working for them but you may also find third party laboratory tests proving that the product is offering actual anabolic steroid.

For example, on the label you can see the claim that Pharmacom Labs Oxandrolonos is offering 10 mg per tablet of Oxandrolone and the tests did proved that the Pharmacom Anavar actually had 10 mg per tablet of Oxandrolone.

Now all you’ve left to do is to compare the prices and see that you might save a lot of money to buy Pharmacom Anavar (Oxandrolonos) than actual Anavar.

The reason why is called like this is because Anavar is the most famous brand name, it was firstly synthesized for the treatment of HIV infected patients, for people suffering from anemia, Turner syndrome and others.


The anabolic steroid is still used nowadays for such purposes as well as for recovering from burns, strengthening up muscles and bones and other uses.

Pharmacom Anavar – Oxandrolonos in Bodybuilding

This product is very popular in world of bodybuilding both for women and men because this product is considered one of the safest steroids on the market. It has low androgenic activity, no estrogenic activity, low testosterone inhibition rate as well as low impact on your liver (despite being C17 alpha alkylated) as well as on your cholesterol or cardiovascular system.

With this being said, women and men find Pharmacom Anavar pretty safe, whilst not spending too much money (a known drawback of Anavar is its pretty high price) and still remaining effective.

The compound is widely used because is efficient, especially when talking about those who are preparing for competitions in strength and endurance sports, where people need to grow lean muscle mass and burn body fat whilst not having water retention.


Is important to keep in mind that the Oxandrolone cycle is not going to help users to gain extreme amounts of muscle amounts as they are capable to do with other anabolic steroids such as Anadrol or Dianabol, instead Anavar is almost perfect for helping customers to burn body fat and give the physique a way more relief look and overall a drier and harder appearance with increased strength levels and muscle definition.

Pharmacom Anavar – Oxandrolonos is also added as an amazing addition to other anabolic steroid stacks. That’s because Oxandrolone does a good job in binding to SHBG – a hormone that is making anabolic steroids less effective by reducing free testosterone levels in the body. Since Pharmacom Anavar binds well to SHBG – you increase the effectiveness of other steroids.

  • That’s why is added in other stacks with amazing success, especially taken in consideration that is efficient itself, plus is considered one of the mildest and safest oral steroids that is available on the market nowadays.


Buy Anavar Here

Before you continue further, we highly recommend you to learn as much as possible about the administration of Oxandrolone pills. That’s because although the product is pretty safe in terms of side effects, not administering Pharmacom Anavar properly (known as Oxandrolonos) would offer side effects, or might not be effective.

You need to find the perfect dosage specifically for yourself in order to find the best results and stay away from negative side effects. Buy Pharmacom Anavar from as brand Oxandrolonos and be sure you will be happy with the results received from a product that is so much cheaper compared to brand steroid name.

Anabolic Steroids

Anavar Stacking

Anavar stacking is a very common topic among many athletes, bodybuilders and various other people in various sport fields. That’s because Anavar stacks are considered extremely efficient but in the same time – pretty safe.

  • What is Anavar? This is the most famous brand name with active substance Oxandrolone – the anabolic steroid that is extremely oxandrolonos-pharmacompopular since is extremely efficient and in the same time is pretty safe as long as used properly.

PS: Anavar is sold as Oxandrolonos by Pharmacom Labs. Both contain same high quality Oxandrolone, but Pharmacom Labs offers it for a cheaper price as Oxandrolonos.

Buy Anavar Here

  • What is Stacking? This is when a person is running multiple products (anabolic steroids with other products still including steroids) together during the same cycle in order to enhance the efficiency of the cycle.

Those who use anabolic steroids would agree that stacking is a very common thing because is very helpful and efficient.

That’s why there are a lot of people searching for what is working best with what; what specific steroids should be mixed together in order to receive maximum benefits and when searching for best stacks, you might notice that Oxandrolone is often present in many of them. That’s because this compound is not increasing the risks of side effects, but greatly enhances the efficacy of other steroids.

  • There is not a “best” OxandrolonosAnavar stacking because this highly depends on various factors. Anavar stacks are very different and they are very much, it highly depends on the purpose of running Oxandrolonos stacks, who exactly uses it (a man or a woman, their lifestyle, health condition etc.) as well as a number of other factors.

Nonetheless, Oxandrolone still remains as effective and this is a compound that is very helpful for both bulking and for cutting needs, both for men and women and that’s why stacking Anavar – Oxandrolonos is so widely popular.

So, before you would determine what’s the best OxandrolonosAnavar stacking, you need to take in consideration a few factors.

Yet, we can mention that OxandrolonosAnavar stacks are not very common during a bulking cycle for a man, that’s because there seem to be better options, yet it doesn’t mean that Anavar – Oxandrolonos for such needs is inefficient.

What is true is that OxandrolonosAnavar stacking is best working when added during a cutting cycle for a man. The situation is different when talking about Anavar stacks for a woman. It can be used for both needs because women are having a different response to Oxandrolone, therefore this anabolic steroid would work wonders for both bulking or cutting.

Anavar Stacking for Men

As said, Anavar stacks for men are most famous when the individual wants to shred body fat and maintain muscles – that’s called a cutting cycle.

AnavarOxandrolonos might be helpful for bulking too, but is mostly used for cutting due to its fat burning properties.

In most situations is recommended to add a testosterone (any ester) to Oxandrolonos – Anavar stacking because as any other steroid – Oxandrolone would inhibit the natural production of testosterone.

In fact, Testosterone is added to almost any cycle steroid stack. Oxandrolonos – Anavar stacked with testosterone is most common, but when you need for something even more, most men go for a third steroid like for example:


Anavar Stacking for Women

Women can stack Anavar (Oxandrolonos) for both bulking or cutting – regardless of their needs. That’s because Oxandrolone would be more efficient in growing muscles in women than men.

Is generally recommended for women who never used OxandrolonosAnavar to use it alone for the first time in order to check how the product works and if your body can handle with its effects.

Female athletes who are not beginners and want to stack Anavar – Oxandrolonos with other products for receiving even more results, here is a list of performance enhancing drugs (including some anabolic steroids) that would work wonders for their needs:

Anavar Stacks Duration and Dosage

Despite the fact that a cycle length can be longer, is not recommended to run Anavar – Oxandrolonos for longer than 8 weeks for men, and women shouldn’t ever take Anavar – Oxandrolonos for longer than 6 weeks.

This means that in case the total cycle length is 12 weeks, for example, Oxandrolone is used for only 8 weeks out of those 12 weeks for men. Same applies to cycles for women but maximum 6 weeks.

Generally, beginners should start at 4 weeks cycle length.

  • Same applies with the dosage – male beginners usually start at 30 mg, but it can reach up to maximum 100 mg for professionals.
  • Female beginners usually start at 5 mg, but it can reach up to 20 mg for women with vast experience with OxandrolonosAnavar stacks.

Dosage and cycle lengths depends on many factors.

For best Anavar stacking, buy best quality Oxandrolone from this website as we promise the best quality product for a low price sold as Oxandrolonos. Any other anabolic steroids that you plan to add during Oxandrolone – Anavar stacks can be purchased here too.

Buy Anavar Here


Anabolic Steroids

Dbol Injections

Dianabol shortly called Dbol is one of the most commonly used performance enhancing products on the market, in fact, is considered the most famous steroid for physique and performance enhancement purposes. However, is a well known fact that Dianabol is coming in form of pills. Nonetheless, few people know that there are also Dbol injections.


Buy Dianabol Injections Here

Pharmacom Labs is offering Dianabol pills as brand Dianabolos and you can find Dianabol injections as brand Pharma Bol 100.

Injections are the exact same Dianabol product, but it doesn’t come as pills, but in form of oil solution that is meant to be used intramuscularly as injection. Therefore, is called Dianabol injection, or Dbol injections. Obviously, this is not a common method of administering Dianabol – pills are way more popular and famous, yet, there are still people who opt for this option, for Dbol injections. That’s why we’re going to have a closer look to Dbol injections here.

  • When comparing side by side, is pretty obvious that there are not too many differences between Dianabol pills (Dianabolos) and Dbol injections (Pharma Bol), taken in consideration that both offer same product, yet there are still some differences between these 2 compounds which can play an extremely important role for an athlete that is having some specific preferences when coming to building muscle mass.


So well, Dbol injections are the exact same Dianabol pills containing Methandrostenolone, but instead of coming as pills, the active substance is suspended in water and that’s very uncommon for injectable anabolic steroids because most steroids coming as injections are suspended in oil (but Methandienone is still not the only one). But you should know that this doesn’t change how the product is working and what it does.

With this being said, Dbol injections – Pharma Bol 100 are offering pretty much the exact same results as oral Dbol pills – Dianabolos. Plus to that, although usually injectable steroids are less hepatotoxic compared to oral ones, Dbol injections are still C17 alpha alkylated, meaning that it passes through the liver and is hepatotoxic.

  • Everything else is also similar: both are producing testosterone, both are highly aromatized converted into estrogen and therefore, the final results would be the same for both: incredibly fast muscle growth, huge increase in strength levels and overall big benefits when talking about physique and performance enhancement needs.

Either you run Dbol injections or oral Dianabol pills (Pharma Bol 100 or Dianabolos) – with both versions you need to have a good diet and a good training program for yielding best results and avoiding side effects.


Except for the obvious form of administration, there are few to no differences between injectable Dianabol and Dianabol tablet. Both the tablet and Dbol injections should be administered on a daily basis during the cycle. This is one of the main reason why Dbol pills are so more popular than injections – swallowing pills daily is easier than injecting something daily.

With all of that being said, what’s the reason getting Dbol injections at all?

Well, some people who used both versions suggest that they are both offering same side effects and results, nonetheless, injectable dbol still seem to be a little bit less toxic and seemingly – a bit more powerful too.

Other than that, you may get faster results because injections go right into the muscles compared to tablets that are firstly reaching your stomach. Both are extremely fast working, but Dbol injections seem to be a bit less toxic, a bit more powerful and a bit faster acting. Plus, seems to stay in your system a bit more.

Once again, the differences are definitely not too big, some people may not see any differences at all. That’s why, in the end, is mostly a matter of personal preference. Some people may love dbol injections, others may love pills.

In the end, you are likely to expect same side effects, same results and same benefits regardless of method of administration of Dianabol – Dianabolos or Pharma Bol.


Regardless which method of administration of Dbol you choose – you can buy best quality products directly from this website for extremely low price sold as Dianabolos and Pharma Bol 100.

Buy Dbol Pills Here

Buy Dbol Injections Here

We offer both Dbol injections and Dbol pills of best possible quality for the cheapest possible price. Whatever method – make sure to use it properly and you would love the price vs quality of our products.

Anabolic Steroids

Dbol Steroid Pills

Dianabol is an extremely famous androgenic and anabolic steroid that is orally active coming as pills and is very often shortly called Dbol. With this being said, Dbol steroid pills are used by many athletes and bodybuilders all over the world with great success to help them gain muscle mass and strength.

Dianabol is an overall extremely helpful steroid for such needs and another part of the reason why is so famous is because it comes as oral pills. Since Dbol pills can be so easily administered and in the same time, they remain so helpful for physique and performance enhancement purposes – no wonder that Dbol steroid pills are so popular and used all over the world.

Pharmacom Labs is offering Dianabol as brand Dianabolos – same active substance of same high quality for a cheaper price.


Buy Dbol steroid pills here.

Dbol steroid pills are amazingly effective both for beginners as well as for those who hit their plateau at some point when talking about gaining new muscle mass. It helps beginners to achieve great muscle mass in extremely short periods of time and helps people who hit plateau to get on track for progressing once again.

With this being said, this compound is capable to offer impressive results as Dianabol – Dianabolos would greatly boost your workouts.

What Actually Is Dbol Steroid Pills?

Dianabol – Dianabolos (Dbol) is an orally active steroid coming as pills and is considered to be the most popular and widely used anabolic steroid on the market for the purpose of physique and performance enhancement.

The active substance is actually Methandrostenolone (that is also known as Methandienone) and Dianabol is the first and most famous brand name for this active substance which was manufactured years ago by a company called CIBA. The production of this steroid has stopped, yet a lot of pharmaceutical companies are still manufacturing it and therefore is sold as Dianabolos instead of Dianabol by Pharmacom Labs (shortly Dbol).

Nowadays, anyone who is looking for serious gain during bulking cycles, would really appreciate Dbol steroid pills, that’s because they are easy to take, cheap, widespread, extremely effective for such needs and remain pretty safe when used properly.

Dbol steroid pills remain some of the most effective things when comes to help you boost the process of increasing strength and muscle gains.

You could find Methandrostenolone (Methandienone) in form of injection too, not only as pills. It remains same Dbol steroid but should be administered by injection intramuscularly.

Since there are no advantages of injections over Dbol pills – obviously the oral form of administration is by far the most widely used form of administering this anabolic steroid.


How to Take Dbol Steroid Pills?

Keep in mind that this is a very powerful anabolic steroid, this means that side effects can easily occur in case the compound is not being used properly. Dbol steroid pills may seem to be innocent, but by abusing them, you would really regret. The compound is made to be administered very carefully, with abusive doses, you would get side effects.

  • Dbol steroid pills are coming in strength doses per pill anywhere between 5 mg all the way up to 50 mg per tablet. Dianabolos by Pharmacom comes as 10 mg pill – the most convenient way to use Dbol since you need to take 30-50 mg a day in 2-3 administrations per day.

What you should keep in mind is that Dbol steroid pills are having very short half life, this means that they build up very quickly in your system, but they would get flushed out from your system as quickly.

With this being said, it means that Dianabolos – Dianabol pills must be taken throughout the day in order to maintain stable blood levels and therefore maximum benefits. Dianabolos – Dianabol pills are C17 alpha alkylated which means they are hepatotoxic. That’s why is preferred to use them with meals.

The dosage of Dianabolos – Dianabol steroid is ranged between 30 mg up to about 80 mg a day. The sweet spot that most users seem to prefer is 50 mg a day – perfect balance between side effects and benefits.

Because the compound is liver damaging – do not use it for longer than 4-6 weeks in cycle length.


Dianabol Side Effects

The compound seem to be pretty safe as long as is administered properly, but if abused or used improperly, side effects can occur. A few example of Dbol pills side effects include:

  • Male pattern hair loss
  • Testosterone suppression
  • Increased water retention
  • Liver damage
  • Acne
  • Virilization for womendianabolos
  • Gynecomastia

In order to make sure you get maximum benefits and least side effects, buy best Dbol steroid pills as Dianabolos from as we ensure the best quality for all anabolic steroids you can find here. Plus to that, you could save some money too.

Buy Dianabol here.


Anabolic Steroids

Buy Proviron

Buy Proviron if you want to greatly enhance the effectiveness of other anabolic steroids without further enhancing the side effects. Even more, adding Proviron to your steroid cycle as a stack, you won’t only benefit from boost efficiency, but you would also reduce some of the nastiest side effects from anabolic steroids, especially related to estrogenic activity, sexual performance and erectile dysfunction, as well as feeling dizzy and moody.

  • Pharmacom Labs is offering Proviron as a different brand name – Provironos. Nonetheless, you can be sure both offer same high quality Mesterolone, yet Proviron is more expensive.


Buy Proviron here.

Is important to better understand this anabolic steroid before actually using it, that’s because this anabolic steroid doesn’t act as an anabolic steroid in the first place.

People who buy Proviron – Provironos should understand this and not expect muscle mass gains from it due to extremely low anabolic activity properties it possesses. That’s despite the fact that on paper, Mesterolone seem to offer a higher anabolic activity than testosterone, but that’s misleading.

So, Proviron – Provironos is a steroid that cannot grow muscle mass and is a compound that is worthless when used alone during a cycle for physique and performance enhancement needs.

Why would you buy Proviron at all then? Because as mentioned, except for the fact that it would reduce the side effects from base steroids during the cycle, you would enhance the efficiency of the cycle.


What is Proviron?

Proviron is the brand name for the orally active androgen and dihydrotestosterone (shortly DHT) derived steroid that is called Mesterolone. As mentioned, is offered as Provironos instead, which is same Proviron but made by Pharmacom Labs – the reputable pharma manufacturer.

Mesterolone is the purest DHT steroid that you can find and with DHT steroids such as Proviron – Provironos, you won’t get any estrogenic activity but in fact, Mesterolone actually helps reduce the aromatization.

Although not considered an anabolic steroid by many, it still remains one, but it got popular years ago as an anti estrogen because of its great affinity to bind to aromatase enzyme.

Therefore, Proviron – Provironos serves as an Aromatase Inhibitor (AI) replacement.

Why would you need it when there are actual aromatase inhibitors?

Because Provironos – Proviron (Mesterolone) offers further benefits such as high binding to androgen receptors as well as high binding to Sex Hormone Binding Globulin (SHBG) which is offering enhanced efficiency of other steroids. That’s because SHBG is responsible for reducing free testosterone circulating in the body. With less SHBG, you get more free testosterone circulating in your body and great benefits.


OK, but what about testosterone suppression from steroids and other side effects? Proviron – Provironos is considered one of the absolute safest anabolic steroids you can find on the market. Is hard to find another with such a high safe profile. Side effects are possible to occur, but they are way less likely to appear compared to other steroids and they are much well tolerated too.

As in terms for testosterone suppression; studies done showed that a dosage of 200 mg a day won’t really suppress your HPTA and athletes almost never need doses more than that.

Buy Proviron – Provironos so you won’t need an aromatase inhibitor (unless you use really high doses of very aromatized compounds), you won’t really get side effects or HPTA suppression and in the same time, Mesterolone would protect your libido, would protect you from estrogen related side effects and enhance the cycle efficiency due to its binding ability to SHBG.

Buy Proviron For Sale

People who buy Proviron for sale directly from this website as brand Provironos would make sure they are getting the best quality anabolic steroid – Mesterolone. Buy Proviron steroid as Provironos and it can greatly serve you in your physique and performance enhancement journey whilst using anabolic steroids.


Buy Proviron here.

In the same time, you can use our website to get all other anabolic steroid needs of the same great quality. You would also save a lot of money as we are a source that never overcharge compared to many of our competitors.

Plus, we never compromise on quality or dosage of our products.

What is written on the label/ bottle of the product is exactly what you’re going to receive.

  • Take the compound to a lab test to check it out yourself.
  • Compare the prices we have here with other source and you would also notice how much money you can save.

Just learn more about this steroid and how to properly use it, then buy ProvironProvironos alongside with other base steroids during the cycle and you would greatly benefit and save money.

Anabolic Steroids


Durabolin is the brand / trade name of the active substance Nandrolone and is the first brand of this ingredient. You may better know it as Deca Durabolin – this is the second version of Nandrolone but it got a longer ester attached.

Durabolin is containing Nandrolone Phenylpropionate whilst Deca Durabolin (commonly called shortly Deca) is containing Nandrolone Decanoate.



  • Durabolin (Nandrolone Phenylpropionate) is sold as Pharma Nan Ph by Pharmacom Labs.
  • Deca Durabolin (Nandrolone Decanoate) is sold as Pharma Nan D by Pharmacom Labs.

Buy Durabolin here or buy Deca Durabolin here.

Both contain same hormone as much as you can see, but Durabolin – Pharma Nan Ph offers a shorter half life because Phenylpropionate is a shorter ester than Decanoate. The difference is in time release of the product after it got injected (administered) with Deca Durabolin – Pharma Nan D having a long half life.

  • Many people love the longer half life because it requires less administration schedule (less pins frequency).
  • Yet many still appreciate the effectiveness of Durabolin – Pharma Nan Ph (Nandrolone Phenylpropionate) because of the same reasons – having a shorter half life.

This means that the compound is flushed out of the body faster which comes with its advantages such as faster results, less detection time and side effects would last less in case they occur and you need to stop the use of Durabolin.

What is Durabolin – Nandrolone?

Regardless either you use Durabolin or Deca Durabolin (Nandrolone Phenylpropionate or Decanoate); (Pharma Nan Ph or D) you receive Nandrolone.

This is an extremely effective compound with favorable anabolic to androgenic ratio (higher anabolic and less androgenic than testosterone) and in addition to that, its aromatization liability is low.

The compound is amazing when you need to grow muscle mass. Such a steroid is mainly used as a steroid base during a stack. This means that whilst it can be used alone, it would be way more efficient and effective (as well as with less side effects) when used as a stack.


  • The compound is used for various needs both in medical settings as well as is very famous for physique and performance enhancement needs for athletes and bodybuilders.

Nandrolone is used for treatment of anemias, wasting syndromes, osteoporosis as well as other indications. With this being said, Durabolin – Pharma Nan Ph is pretty obvious to be helpful for those who want to grow muscles.

Is also one of the best steroids you can find for joint and wrists health and although is mostly considered a bulking compound, Durabolin – Pharma Nan Ph is doing a great job even for those searching for cutting cycles.

Durabolin Cycle

Durabolin is having a half life of about 3 days, this is the reason why the compound should be used every other day at very least. Many people use it daily in order to maintain maximum stable blood levels. Don’t use it less frequently than 3 days.

  • Dosage is anywhere between 300-400 mg per week (depending how you use it, split the dosage into daily doses) for beginners.
  • Intermediate users go for a dosage of about 500 mg per week or so of Pharma Nan Ph – Durabolin.
  • Lastly – professionals or advanced users usually opt for higher doses of about 600-800 mg per week.

Pharma Nan Ph – Durabolin cycle length is anywhere between 8 up to 12 weeks or so. There’s no need to go for longer cycles as with Deca (Pharma Nan D) because this compound usually enters and flushes out of your system faster.

Pharma Nan Ph – Durabolin alongside with Testosterone Propionate is going to make a great addition. A 8 weeks cycle length both taken in doses around 500 mg per week would offer amazing results in terms of gaining lean muscle mass and improving athletic performance.

Other Durabolin stacks include: Winstrol, Dianabol, Anadrol, Trenbolone and various others.


Durabolin Side Effects

There’s no difference between side effects of Durabolin and those from Deca Durabolin (Pharma Nan Ph or D). The difference is that they would disappear faster in case they appear. They go as:

  • Androgenic side effects
  • Estrogenic side effects
  • Cholesterol and cardiovascular side effects
  • And as any other steroid – testosterone suppression
  • Virilization for women is also possible

Yet, the side effects risks are lower compared to other steroids, even when compared to Testosterone or especially Trenbolone.

Buy Durabolin For Sale

Anyone who is interested in purchasing a high quality product that is going to work wonders for their physique and performance enhancement needs would really appreciate Durabolin products from our sold as Pharma Nan Ph.

Both because we offer only best quality products as well as because they are all for cheapest prices online.


Buy Durabolin here.

Pharma Nan Ph itself is very efficient and helpful – you could save money whilst purchasing an amazing compound. But then again, to make it more effective, stack it with other steroids, at least with testosterone only, which you also can buy from this site.

Anabolic Steroids

Trenbolone Reviews

If you’re serious about physique transformation and gains in terms of strength and muscle mass then you would really love Trenbolone anabolic steroid. However, by doing a bit of research about Trenbolone, you may notice that this is one of the most powerful steroids you can find on the market.

With this being said, checking Trenbolone reviews is a good idea because those reviews are written by people who had real and actual experience with this immensely powerful anabolic steroid.

In this article, we would share some more information about Trenbolone reviews in form of a summary. We would share what experience people had with this anabolic steroid based on Trenbolone reviews, based on the words of people who used Trenbolone and also by consulting some of the best doctors and scientists in regards to this potent steroid.

Based on all this information from Trenbolone reviews, we would share a list of positive aspects of Trenbolone, and negative ones.

Is important to know that Trenbolone often called shortly Tren is regarded to as one of the most powerful steroid on the market (if not the most) in the world of bodybuilding and aesthetics. is offering Trenbolone sold as Pharma Tren. It can be found as Pharma Tren A (Acetate), Pharma Tren E (Enanthate) or Pharma Tren H (Hexa).


Buy Trenbolone here.

Is being used both when trying to bulk up to gain extreme amounts of muscle and strength, but is also used during the cutting cycles, in order to help burn body fat, but in the same time sill make you be big, ripped and shredded.


All of that is due to Trenbolone being 5x more anabolic and androgenic than testosterone, without aromatization and estrogenic activity.

According to Trenbolone reviews, this steroid seem to be controversial. Some people suggest that this is a too harsh steroid whilst others say that is not worse than others.

  • Truth is that based on the Trenbolone reviews, the compound still seem to be more powerful, that’s why it may not be a good idea to be used by beginners, that’s why it could be harsh. Plus is a very good idea to be used with big care, in order to avoid its harshness.

Positive Trenbolone Aspects

Huge Strength Levels

All trenbolone reviews indicate that strength levels increase is almost the first thing that you can notice when running Trenbolone. Bench press on Tren is completely different and anyone using this product can confirm it.

Insane Muscle Gains

If you’re searching to bulk up to extremely big gains then Trenbolone would greatly help you. Users using the compound alongside with testosterone report some of the best bulking results they ever manage to get with gains of 30 lbs all of which is pure muscles.

Overall Ripped

Trenbolone is burning body fat and in the same time is helping you to increase lean muscle mass. Plus, the water is getting reduced too, less water between veins, skin and muscle tissues. Obviously you’re going to end up looking way much ripped and shredded.

Full Muscles

Because of the reduced water from the muscle cells, your muscles won’t get puffy look as many people report with aromatized steroids, instead the gains are clean and quality, long lasting and very good looking, making you ready to compete on a stage any given minute.


Trenbolone Negative Aspects

Increased Blood Pressure

Trenbolone increases blood pressure and is making your cholesterol go in a bad way. This is why you need to watch out for cholesterol related issues and stay away from hypertension.

Hair Loss

This anabolic steroid is extremely androgenic and some users report hair loss from using Trenbolone. Many claim that the hair regrows after stopping Trenbolone, but you need to watch out for it.

Tren Cough

This is a common side effect, but is not dangerous. When Trenbolone is injected, user starts coughing quite deeply and uncontrollably, but this effect only lasts for about a minute. Is temporary and not dangerous.

Mental Issues

Except for the fact that you would get aggression that is good in the gym as well as mental focus, you may also get negative effects when talking about mental capabilities such as insomnia, anxiety and paranoia.


Buy Trenbolone here.

Based on all the Trenbolone reviews, we’ve made a summary about Trenbolone pros and cons. Based on this, you can decide either the compound is good for you or not. In whatever the case, on this website you can find best quality Trenbolone for best price sold as brand Pharma Tren.

Anabolic Steroids

Equipoise Benefits

Without any doubts, the effects of Equipoise are purely amazing and when this anabolic steroid is used properly, Equipoise benefits are extremely beneficial for any bodybuilder, athlete or any gym rat searching to improve body condition.

Equipoise benefits are huge if you are searching for body shaping and improvement in strength and overall athletic performance. The anabolic steroid shows a significant anabolic activity and in the same time, most users of the compound consider it to be a very well tolerated steroid.

Pharmacom Labs is offering Equipoise as Pharma Bold 300 or 500 (depending on the strength required) and is the exact same compound but offered for a cheaper price.


Buy Equipoise here.

The main ingredient is Boldenone, which is a very popular steroid for a while now because is an amazing product for performance enhancement and physique improving purposes. Other than that, the compound seem to be very helpful for treating osteoporosis as well as reverse muscle wasting too.

One benefit of EQ is the fact that this is an extremely long lasting steroid, therefore it means that you do not have to use it very often to receive amazing benefits.

The compound could be used only once per week (to make sure that you’re having stable blood levels) and doing so you would make sure to receive:


  • Lean muscle growth
  • Strength increase
  • Burn body fat
  • Steady gains
  • Enhanced recovery rate

There are many other benefits that can be mentioned. For example, Equipoise (Pharma Bold) is very well tolerated, better than many other steroids out there, that’s why another Equipoise benefit is the fact that you’re capable to get amazing results whilst using the compound without getting too bad side effects.

  • Boldenone is also making sure that you are adding mass slow and steady, over time, which is amazing for most athletes as the gains are aesthetic, clean and quality.
  • Plus, the gains won’t get lost as with many other compounds. That’s why many people add Pharma Bold (Equipoise) during their bulking cycle stack, in order to receive gains that are long lasting but in the same time, other (usually oral steroids) are working faster for faster gains.

Equipoise – Pharma Bold is going to increase the strength levels a lot. That’s why is such a beneficial compound for off season bodybuilders and athletes who need to become stronger and create more mass. Anyone using the compound is going to receive noticeable strength amount and huge muscular endurance.

Other things to be mentioned about Pharma Bold – Equipoise benefits include: the compound is going to do a great job in increasing protein synthesis and recovery, that’s something crucial when talking about building size and mass. The most noticeable results obviously are muscle and strength gains, but burning body fat is something specific to Boldenone Undecylenate either.

For example, when Equipoise – Pharma Bold is stacked with other anabolic steroids, users are capable to gain anywhere between 10 and 20 lbs of lean muscle mass which is impressive, especially because you run it for only some weeks.

A lot of people using Equipoise – Pharma Bold said they have noticed increased vascularity effects when using the compound too, all along with burning body fat, Pharma Bold – Equipoise is used both in bulking and cutting cycles.

Is important to mention that another benefit is increases in appetite as most athletes using Equipoise – Pharma Bold reported this. That’s amazing for off season bulking needs as it helps to add quality lean muscle mass.


  • Another important benefit to mention is that Pharma Bold – Equipoise is great for enhanced recovery rate. You would recovery much faster after each intense training session and that’s extremely important for any athlete because it allows you to train more often resulting in faster and better results.

Plus, we all know that recovery is the time when you’re actually growing muscles, that’s why is so important. This is partially due to the fact that Equipoise or Pharma Bold (Boldenone Undecylenate) has been proven to be extremely efficient when talking about increasing red blood cells count. It is known that all steroids increase red blood cell count, but EQ does it to a greater extent.

Keep in mind that properly using Pharma Bold (Equipoise) the benefits do not stop there.

Users may receive other benefits either, but it very much depends on various factors. Is extremely important to learn how to properly use Equipoise (Pharma Bold) and is also extremely important to get only high quality steroid if you want to receive benefits. pharma-bold-300-equipoise-boldenone

Buy Equipoise here.

Best Equipoise quality results in best Equipoise benefits. That’s why we recommend to use our anabolic steroid store and specifically Pharma Bold.

  • Except for best quality steroids that you can find here at, we would also help you to save some dollars as we offer them for low prices.
Anabolic Steroids

Sustanon Dosage

Anabolic steroids are extremely popular and widely used compounds in the world of bodybuilding and fitness being used both by amateur as well as professional athletes, that’s because they are having a big impact on the performance of a person, endurance and size, greatly improving these statistics.

Sustanon is one of the most famous anabolic steroids that you can find and that’s due to various reasons. Sustanon 250 is a combination of 4 different testosterone esters which results in a compound that is offering nothing else than synthetic testosterone but due to different esters – your body receives it at different speed rates, ensuring stable testosterone levels for a long time.

Pharmacom Labs is offering Sustanon as brand Pharma Sust. Make sure that same high quality of testosterone is maintained in Pharma Sust despite it offering a different brand name.

  • IMPORTANT! You can find Pharma Sust 250, 300 and 500. The number indicates the amount of testosterones mixture per ml in the product.

If you search specifically for Sustanon 250, go for Pharma Sust 250 as they are identical, yet Pharma Sust is cheaper.


Buy Sustanon 250 here.

Nonetheless, is important to keep in mind that before actually using a compound, you’ve got to learn as much as possible about the compound and to understand what you can expect from using it, how it works etc.

But one of the most important factor that you’ve got to learn is its dosage. The dosage mostly determines how well the compound is going to work for you or how bad side effects it would offer.

Pharma Sust – Sustanon Explained

Sustanon 250 (Pharma Sust 250), offering a blend of 4 testosterone esters with different release rates was formulated by Organon for Testosterone Replacement Therapy and was made for reducing the frequency of pinning whilst the user maintains stable levels.

This is an oil based injectable steroid that should be used intramuscularly twice per week, with days evenly apart in order to have maximum stable blood levels. One ml of the steroid is going to deliver 250 mg of testosterone and that’s why is often called Sustanon 250 or Pharma Sust 250 by Pharmacom Labs. Those 4 testosterones are:

  • 30 mg of Testosterone Propionate
  • 60 mg of Testosterone Phenylpropionate
  • 60 mg of Testosterone Isocaproate
  • 100 mg of Testosterone Decanoate

*NOTE! More powerful versions of Pharma Sust (like 300 and 500) are having same testosterones mixed, but at higher dosages.

Sustanon 300 – Pharma Sust 300:

  • 36 mg of Testosterone Propionate
  • 72 mg of Testosterone Phenylpropionate
  • 72 mg of Testosterone Isocaproate
  • 120 mg of Testosterone Decanoate

Sustanon 500 – Pharma Sust 500:pharmacom-sustanon-500

Buy Sustanon here.

  • 60 mg of Testosterone Propionate
  • 120 mg of Testosterone Phenylpropionate
  • 120 mg of Testosterone Isocaproate
  • 200 mg of Testosterone Decanoate

As long as this combination of testosterones is maintained – we’re referring to the same product, regardless of brand (Sustanon or Pharma Sust) or amount of Testosterones mg per mL.

Sustanon Dosage and Administration

Keep in mind that if you’re planning to administer Sustanon, is highly recommended to use it properly. Without enough dosage you may not receive expected results whilst taking too much is going to end in receiving nasty side effects. That’s why start with a low Pharma Sust – Sustanon dosage and then increase up to your needs.

Is highly recommended and very important to run a proper Pharma Sust – Sustanon dosage in order to get the expected results.


That would be approximately 500 mg per week, or roughly 2 ml weekly when talking about lowest dosed Pharma Sust version (250 mg/ml).

This means that you’ve got to use the compound in 2 pins per week, for example on Monday and Friday, use 1 ml a day.

This is a common Pharma Sust – Sustanon dosage, however many beginners start at 250 mg per week, meaning that they use one ml of SustanonPharma Sust 250 (specifically) a week (half an ml Monday and the other half Thursday or Friday).

  • Yet, common Pharma Sust – Sustanon dosages for more advanced users are 750 mg per week. There are even professionals who use doses of 1000 mg per week. By doing a bit of research online you could find out that there are others using even higher doses such as 1500 mg per week or so. Is important to understand that such high Pharma Sust – Sustanon dosages are having very high chances to offer you negative side effects.

But due to needs of such high doses, Pharmacom Labs made other more powerful Sustanon-dosage-big-guyversions than 250 mg.

A good example is estrogenic side effect that is occurring because testosterone is aromatizing and that leads to too high estrogenic activity. That’s why, Pharma Sust – Sustanon dosage should be accompanied by some aromatase inhibitor to make sure that you stay away from estrogen related side effects.

The compound is going to take a while until is going to be fully saturated in the system, and that’s why it takes a while until you’re going to fully feel it. Some people suggest that’s about 4-6 weeks or so.

This is the reason why Sustanon 250 – Pharma Sust is often run for long cycle lengths such as 12 weeks or so.


Is important to learn about Sustanon dosage in order to receive maximum benefits and least possible side effects.

This compound is offering synthetic testosterone, working the same way as naturally occurring one which is a powerful hormone.

pharmacom-sustanonDo not forget that you’re going to need a Post Cycle Therapy (PCT) plan after you stop running the compound. You’re going to still have it in your system for a couple of weeks after you stop, so start with PCT only when the compound got flushed from the system.

Buy Sustanon here.

Also, make sure to buy best quality Sustanon – you can do it from as we offer best steroids for low prices, including Pharma Sust as Sustanon.

Anabolic Steroids

Injectable Anadrol

When talking about anabolic steroids, one compound that truly stands out when talking about fast and immense growth of muscle mass is Anadrol. In the world of bodybuilding, Anadrol is considered one of the most powerful and most effective for amazing amount of muscle mass addition in a short period of time.

  • Obviously, taken in consideration that is one of the most powerful orally active steroids that you can find, therefore is one of the most popular steroids of all time too.

Anadrol is commonly used as oral tablets, most people love the idea of simply swallowing pills and receiving amazing results. Yet, the compound is also coming in form of injection, and although injectable Anadrol is not as popular as pills, many people still choose the injectable Anadrol over pills for some reasons. The main and biggest reason is because those people believe injectable Anadrol is more effective than oral Anadrol pills.

Pharmacom Labs is offering Anadrol pills as Oxymetos and injectable Anadrol as Pharma Oxy 50.


Buy Anadrol pills here and injectable Anadrol here.

Mainly, Anadrol (Oxymetos or Pharma Oxy 50) with the active substance Oxymetholone gained most of its popularity in bodybuilding because of the huge promotion made by Dan Duchaine. He said that Oxymetholone (Anadrol) is a cheaper alternative to Dianabol that is more effective.

Those who learned his history, know that Dan was self injecting AnadrolOxymetholone. Some people believe that he died as a result of using too much Anadrol (he died because of a kidney disease).

So, users may either go for oral Anadrol pills (Oxymetos) or injectable Anadrol (Pharma Oxy 50). Obviously it seems like Anadrol tablets (Oxymetos) are way easier to administer (and they are much easier to find), yet people who used both suggest that injectable Anadrol (Pharma Oxy 50) is more effective and if you think the same, you may find injectable Anadrol (Pharma Oxy 50) directly on our source

Anadrol Explained

Regardless which form of Anadrol you choose (injectable vs tablets / Pharma Oxy vs Oxymetos), you’ve got to know that the active ingredient remains the same – Oxymetholone. Regardless how this substance enters your body, you receive same results.

Important thing to know is that although Oxymetholone is DHT derived, you cannot get lean on the compound, therefore Anadrol is an extremely effective bulking steroid, but is not a cutting steroid.


The compound is capable to offer huge amounts of muscle mass in a very short period of time and that’s because of its chemical structure which makes it one of the most powerful steroids out there, making it so popular for athletes and bodybuilders.

The compound is also very effective for those who suffer from severe weight loss, hence is popular for patients suffering from HIV and AIDS.

Injectable Anadrol Vs Oral Anadrol

The steroid is effective in both forms, however whether to choose Injectable Anadrol (Pharma Oxy 50) or oral Anadrol (Oxymetos) that’s all up to your personal preference.

  • Oral Anadrol – Oxymetos is more popular because injectable Anadrol – Pharma Oxy 50 doesn’t have any advantages over pills in theory.
  • However, some people who used injectable version consider it to be a more effective version, plus to that, those who used the injectable Anadrol – Pharma Oxy also think that this version is better for their liver.

Nonetheless, there is no scientific information that would prove this theory.

The half life of the compound is considered to be the same regardless which version of Oxymetholone you choose.


Bodybuilders always have to decide which form of Anadrol to choose – is much more comfortable to use the pills, yet you may be getting a more powerful and safer version when going to injection. If that would be true, that would be a big advantage because is hard to avoid liver issues when running steroids.

In the end, regardless which form of Anadrol you choose, the most important thing is to watch out for the dosage and the cycle length. You’ve got to use the compound properly regardless if you go for pills or if you want to choose the injections.


Buy oral Anadrol pills here or injectable Anadrol here.

You can buy on our website both forms of Anadrol – either oral Anadrol pills and tablets (sold as Oxymetos) or you could also go for injectable Anadrol (sold as Pharma Oxy 50). Both versions are of the best quality and lowest price.